利用python pyheatmap包绘制热力图,供大家参考,具体内容如下
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pyheatmap.heatmap import HeatMap def plot_data(filename): with open(filename,'r') as fh: data=fh.read().split('\n') xs = [] ys = [] data_test=[] for line in data: line=line.strip().split() if len(line)>3: opt, x, y = line[0], line[1], line[2] if opt == '0': xs.append(int(x)) ys.append(int(y)) data_test.append([int(x),int(y)]) plt.xlim() plt.ylim() plt.xlabel("x") plt.ylabel("y") plt.plot(xs, ys, 'ro') plt.show() return data_test filename='track.log' data=plot_data(filename) # 开始绘制 hm = HeatMap(data) hm.clickmap(save_as="hit.png") hm.heatmap(save_as="heat.png") # 绘制带背景的点击热图 hm2 = HeatMap(data) hit_img2 = hm2.clickmap(base='base.png') # base.png为背景图片 hit_img2.save("hit2.png")
import time import pyautogui as pag while True: #print("Press Ctrl-C to end") screenWidth, screenHeight = pag.size() #获取屏幕的尺寸 #print(screenWidth,screenHeight) x,y = pag.position() #获取当前鼠标的位置 print(x,y) time.sleep(0.1)
import pythoncom, pyHook def onMouseEvent(event): print("Position:", event.Position) return True def main(): hm = pyHook.HookManager() hm.HookKeyboard() hm.MouseAllButtonsDown = onMouseEvent hm.MouseAllButtonsUp = onMouseEvent hm.HookMouse() pythoncom.PumpMessages() if __name__ == "__main__": main()